

Google Chrome OS

New OS with open Source flavor
Dream of many computer users about the presence of operating system that could compete with Microsoft, finally come true. Google, a company that makes many interesting applications, and free, will soon be releasing "toy" recently, Google Chorme OS, the second quarter of 2010, and its main target is the user's netbook.

What is the difference between Google Chrome and Microsoft Windows? Google Chorme will run on x86 and ARM processor, a processor with the Intel Atom, Smartbook with Nvidia Tegra chip or Qualcomm's Snapdragon platform to netbook with AMD Neo can use Google Chrome OS. Google adds, that the Chrome OS can be used for computers with low energy as a netbook to desktop computers with abundant energy.
HTML technology also will become part of the Chrome OS. Many Internet users are hesitant when running a web application, but they are not connected to the internet. But with the HTML 5 it will change, users will be able to work with the browser, although not connected to the internet. Google Chrome OS seems to not only be made to confirm that Google is growing up, but also to disturb the comfort of Microsoft. Like the Chrome browser, Chrome OS will be made with Open Source flavor. Can not wait what Microsoft will say ,Google plans after hearing this, but whatever their comments, Chrome the OS is not just something interesting and good, but revolutionary. Welcome to the Chrome OS


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